Give Nazi Schwarzenegger a General Strike

by Califorina Voter Tuesday, Jul. 20, 2004 at 10:27 PM

The ubermensch (male chauvinist) Gov. Schwarzenegger refers to his labor opponents as "girlie men," demonstrating that Schwarzenegger is just another stinking anti-women, anti-gay fascist who deserves a general strike.

The ubermensch (male chauvinist) Gov. Schwarzenegger refers to his labor opponents as "girlie men," demonstrating that Schwarzenegger is just another stinking anti-women, anti-gay fascist who deserves a general strike.

This is the talk of fascist goons, as existed in Nazi Austria. In fact, the fascists were stronger in Austria, and the anti-Semitism more virulent than in Germany at the time Hitler took over Austria. This is the heritage of that proud Austrian descendant of Nazis, California's current idiot governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has called for his supporters to be terminators of "girlie men." This is not just rhetoric in the heat of a budget battle or locker room stupidity. This is the talk of the genocidal thugs whom Schwarzenegger clearly admires.

The best response to this fascist idiot is a GENERAL STRIKE. Then it will be obvious that it is Schwarzenegger who has neither brains nor muscles, and is in fact, just a stupid puppet of the capitalist class. We workers are gay and straight, men and women, and black, brown, yellow, red and white, and if we unite for a general strike, we can not only teach this Nazi a lesson, we can raise the income tax on those who make over 0,000 a year to pay all our bills while we eliminate all sales taxes, abolish the death penalty, shut down the prison-concentration camp system and transfer that money to the starving school and healthcare systems, with plenty left over for affordable housing, public transportation, and all other social services.

We can and must have Pride at Work, the gay labor organization, in the leadership of a general strike, which we should have as soon as possible. The quality of life is getting worse daily, geometrically.

Now is the time to get off the dime and shut down this state. Time to teach the capitalist class and its fascist governors that when labor withdraws its hand, nothing moves!


Original: Give Nazi Schwarzenegger a General Strike