Questions for you anti-war leftists

by Vironicdestripo Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 7:04 AM

This ought to shut you up!!!


1. If we allow countries to violate security council resolutions with no threat of force to back us up, whats the point of even having resolutions? (The standard answer is that we are hypocritical in forcing only Iraq to comply with security council resolutions, however, since we signed a cease-fire agreement with iraq, we are still technically at war, and in that sense the Gulf War has never ended. Therefore, because we are still at war with Iraq, appropriate steps need to be taken in order to finally end the war by forcing Iraq to disarm).

2. When is violence justified? If North Korea begins to develop in array of nuclear weapons, in violation of international law, and threatens the world with them, don't we have an obligation to disarm them. What kind of message would we be conveying if we let the be.

3. If Iraq were to use weapons of mass destruction against coalition soldiers, would you then support the war?

4. If the war was truly about oil, why wouldn't the U.S. just lift the sanctions and do business with Saddam. We could get all the oil we needed without any protest from the Iraqi regime.

Original: Questions for you anti-war leftists