fix articles 61577, embargo Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : embargo


White men's war (tags)

Indian writer and essayist Pankaj Mishra stressed, "The antiquated Cold War model of thinking - democracy versus autocracy, as U.S. President Joe Biden says - is misleading. It implies that there are only these two power blocs. In truth, the world is deeply interconnected.

Corporate Predators Want Compensation for Lost Cuban Assets They Stole (tags)


We're All Palestinians (tags)


Lifting the Fake EU Arms Embargo (tags)


Human Rights Group Calls for an Immediate International Arms Embargo Against Syria's Gover (tags)

Interview with Sanjeev Bery, Amnesty International’s advocacy director for the Middle East and North Africa, conducted by Scott Harris

Obama's Real Plan in Latin America (tags)

At first glance Obama seems to have softened U.S. policy toward Latin America, especially when compared to his predecessor. There has been no shortage of editorials praising Obama’s conciliatory approach while comparing it to FDR’s ”Good Neighbor” Latin American policy. It’s important to remember, however, that FDR’s vision of being neighborly meant that the U.S. would merely stop direct military interventions in Latin America, while reserving the right to create and prop up dictators, arm and train unpopular regional militaries, promote economic dominance through free trade and bank loans, conspire with right-wing groups, etc…

Doctors Without Borders Forced to Scale Back Gaza Operations (tags)

Israel's illegal policy ensures that those helping the Palestinians avert disaster are unable to do their work. There needs to be an immediate, world-wide boycott of all military and financial aid to Israel until this siege stops, and concrete steps are taken to create a viable Palestinian state. Our corrupt Government has betrayed Canadians on this issue, cannot justify their policy decisions, and must be forced to reverse this trend. Israel must be made to realize, in the most tangible (and peaceful) ways possible, that they cannot continue this collective punishment against Gazan Palestinians any more. But make no mistake, the ruling Extremists in Israel will keep pushing, so long as nobody speaks up or forces them to obey the law.

Iraq : Are there any Tears Left? (tags)

In the Inquisition-scale horrors, inflicted upon Iraq, since a month short of five years ago, the ghosts of the Western-imposed human cull over the previous thirteen years - from life's dawn, to those in its twilight - sometimes, very temporarily, briefly flicker and fade slightly, in the light of another immediate atrocity of enormity. They always return, as they must, in a sight, a scent, a phrase, a 'phone call. Reminders of sins of overwhelming enormity in high places, as Washington and Whitehall bleat about their infantile 'war on terror' and 'rogue states'.

Iraq: Looking Back: 'Internationally Sponsored Genocide' (tags)

As you know, when I was here in April/May 1992, I thought things could get no worse. Yet in July this year, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations note in a Report: '..with deep regret', all the: 'pre-famine indicators being in place'. Further that an appreciable proportion of the population now had less calorific intake than the most famine stricken parts of Africa.

Fidel Castro regresará a su cargo (tags)

LA HABANA - El gobernante Fidel Castro regresará a su puesto como máximo dirigente de la revolución, aseguró el canciller Felipe Pérez Roque, quien inició una campaña en barrios de La Habana con debates sobre el impacto en Cuba del embargo comercial norteamericano.

El Yo Dividido (tags)

A finales de los 60 se produjo una eclosión de perspectivas que actualmente están prácticamente desactivadas; ya no se habla de “pensamiento único”: las tasas de inflación, de crecimiento del PNB y de empleo y los rankings e influencia de las Bolsas nacionales parecen perfilar el contexto. Sin embargo, “El yo dividido” de Laing, mostraba que una paciente totalmente “animalizada” por el contexto, podría “desconstruirse” en una altamente creativa artista plástica. La obra de Laing presenta una nueva versión de “El Patito feo”, que tiene una cierta presencia en los ambientes contestatarios de la época, como mostraré más adelante, e incluso, unos años después, con el culebrón venezolano Bety la Fea.. Cenicienta ha tenido y tiene muchas versiones en los sueños y en los espectáculos de la actualidad y siempre se ha mantenido en vigor el sueño americano. Sin embargo ni los unos ni los otros tomamos el pragmatismo del cuento: la heroína de la obra mencionada de Laing salió de la bestialidad que le imponía lo establecido para transformarse en un ejemplo viviente de la posibilidad de otro mundo. El autor del artículo, a través de una carta que dirige a sus compañeros de proyecto trata de recuperar el potencial perdido porque no creemos en esos personajes y desaprovechamos la “moral del cuento”

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 11/7/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.


Having destroyed its water and power supplies, cut off food supply routes and having failed to crack its human defences, they are now preparing to lay siege to Iraq's second city which is more than 40 per cent children.

A Chinese economic embargo can stop the war!!! (tags)

Why don't we organize a rally in front of the Chinese consulate on Shatto Street...if China even dreams an economic embargo, Bush will fall to his knees and bring our troops home!!!

An Appeal for Iraq's Children (tags)

After over ten years of bombing, sanctions and exposure to depleted uranium, seemingly the children of Iraq must suffer another terrible nightmare with George W. Bush's planned aggression.

Chomsky interview about Haiti (tags)

On November 8th, 2002 Faiz Ahmad sat down with Noam Chomsky, MIT professor and world renowned critic of American foreign policy, to discuss the current situation in Haiti.

Weapons of Mass Destruction (tags)

The weapons of mass destruction used by the United States on the Iraqi people.

Former Deputy assistant Secretary of State Reveals Lies (tags)

Excerpt: "The reason that I went public, the first thing that bothered me was [Halbitron] when Vice President Cheney was was given $35 million for all his knowledge in oil, which he had none of. He had been a former Secretary of Defense. Cheney had put in an embargo on Iraq and then he denied that he didn’t know anything about the embargo. They had violated the embargo by having a $75 million joint venture with Iraq. At that point I said, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. Cheney was just outright lying."

U.N. Rights Body Calls for Lifting Iraq Embargo (tags)

Somebody is actually listening

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