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a constitutional

Does California Need a Constitutional Convention? (tags)

Does California need a constitutional convention? The question is being raised by a number of organizations, including the Bay Area Council — a group of business leaders based in the San Francisco Bay Area — and the California chapters of the League of Women Voters, Common Cause and the Mexican-American Political Association, all of whom sent representatives to an August 1 meeting that attracted an overflow crowd to the Mission Valley library. The push for a convention is driven largely by the state's inability to govern itself effectively, hamstrung by the current constitution's 2/3 vote requirement to pass a budget or raise taxes, Proposition 13, legislative term limits, legislative "safe seats" and initiatives that have put all but 7 percent of the budget outside the control of the political process.

CA Constitutional Convention event in Santa Monica, Friday evening, July 17th (tags)

Populist #4 (tags)

The Subject of National Security, continued

Populist #3 (tags)

The Subject of National Security, continued read previous papers here:

Populist #1 (tags)

Introduction - the Necessity of Democracy to Our Prosperity

The Sin of Gay Marriage (tags)

Despite the hysterical rhetoric of the Left, Christian activism is not based on fear or hatred or lust for power, but because (with love and honor toward God) we love our neighbors and want the best for them.

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