fix articles 52661, advertising Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : advertising


The Consensus Factory (tags)

Many media companies are largely dependent on advertising revenue. Media that strongly influence the formation of public opinion prefer official sources from state institutions, which, however, reflect the views of the holders of power and accordingly process information in their own interests, Positions that question the prevailing narrative are often discredited.

Let the advertising die! (tags)

Advertising leads to useless purchases because it often persuades consumers to have needs instead of satisfying existing desires. This leads to excessive consumption of resources and materials and thus damages the environment.

I consume, theerefore I am (tags)

People who, according to Erich Fromm, are afraid of freedom, who, suffer from "mental constipation" according to Wilhelm Reich, With consumer freedom, the long tradition of Enlightenment thinking is simply erased:

La publicité humanophobe, ce crachat au visage (tags)

Les lèche-bottes du c'est dans l'air...

Lapublicité humanophobe, ce crachat au visage (tags)

Les lèche-bottes du c'est dans l'air...

The Great Trump Show (tags)

The bizarre billionaire becomes epic disaster when regulation is demonized, social necessities like food stamps and Medicaid are cut in the hundreds of billions and taxes for corporations are cut in half. The failure of the media was manifest when no one asked about Trump's tax plans.

Venezuela Presents Human Rights Development Program (tags)

In a televised speech held at Caracas‘ Oil Well Security Headquarters in front of operators, researchers, managers, emergency personnel, foreign embassy staff and officials concerned, Venezuelan President Maduro on Friday presented a 2x23mn barrel development aid program projected to improve the human rights situation under the Trump administration in Unitedstates. The package is directed at specific recipients in the political backyard of alternative-left impeachment succession candidate Sanders; thereby aiming to break the chains of commercial domination over the political process in the multiplier breeding state.

9 Ways American Billionaire Leasers Of Our Air Waves Kill People (tags)

American television kills people in a variety of ways, from war propaganda and hiding coverage of state executions to the forcefeeding of fast food ads to people, the promotion of football with its deaths and brain damage

KPFK buys premiums to re-sell them for donations -so (tags)

so donations are paid for twice by radio station supporters? The donations are not just for station essential maintanence? But to buy-and-sell their donors bribes - called "gifts"? The 'premiums'-gifts sometimes sent in return for $$$ to pay for Pacifica radio stations' maintenance are paid for by station donors too - while merchandisers are also gettiing so much Free Promotion, advertising, lauding by programmers and on-air-web exposure. Never ending chaos continues therein.

Public Relations - Propaganda as an Economic Branch (tags)

"The borders between skillful PR, dull propaganda and lobbyism and corruption are flowing. The only possibility for protecting oneself is to be informed as extensively and independently as possible. This is easier said than done; information costs energy and time and assumes a basic education."

Sorry, Google, I won’t spy on myself for you (tags)

We’ve gone far down a slippery slope when being bombarded by corporate advertising is considered a public service.

Kaiser "Medical" Advertises at Olympics; British celebrate socialized medicine (tags)

As we sat watching the endless garbage expensive advertising on American TV while waiting for something called the Olympics, we saw an allegedly non-profit Health Maintenance Organization, Kaiser Permanente, advertising itself as a promoter of the Olympics, while charging us $705 per month just to be a member in the 60-64 age group, plus $25 to see a doctor and $10 for each lab test. Meanwhile, the British celebrated their National Health Service in the Opening Ceremony history lesson, which was preceded by celebrating labor in the history of modern agriculture and the industrial revolution.

POOR WEST (tags)

To laugh a lot of idiots who preach the clash of civilizations and the Western superiority.

MOXIE?s Poster Boys at Diversionary: Funny ? and More (tags)

Poster Boys, now playing in a MOXIE/Diversionary Theatre co-production at 4545 Park Boulevard in University Heights, is typical MOXIE fare: a great script (having its U.S. premiere) that makes sly, insinuating comments on sexual orientation, religion, advertising and the (lack of) integrity associated with it, and the ways major corporations try to whitewash (or greenwash) their images and seem more progressive than they are to attract our business. It runs through July 31; see it.

Advertising Free Los Angeles (tags)

In one night, every billboard will be modified or removed, and every digital billboard will disabled, as will every advertisement on buses & trains, including their stops. Every corporate advertisement, big or small, will be changed or removed into something we rather see.

Push the Prez to fix Health Services NOW (tags) has a petition on line that goes right to your representative...but you can create and write your own better version. Send it out now. To everyone and every govt official you can find. Make your thinking known. Make a change. Now !

Are T.V.,Radio,Mags "Liable" for promoting "Fradulent" Products? (tags)

Don't you also then,become just as culpable and liable,as the fradulent product makers,for cheating and stealing from all those audiences who watch,hear or read your ads?

30-Year IRS Agent Arrested for Tax Fraud (tags)

Harry Willner, an IRS agent for over 30 years, was arrested yesterday on tax fraud charges. Prosecutors allege that he and others dodged taxes by claiming that their income was offset by deductions belonging to a company he operated out of his home.

welcome energy crisis (tags)

15 points to break with oil addiction

DHS To Seize Eyeballs At U.S. Airports (tags)

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is ringing in the New Year with a plan to address the arguably unbearable time it takes for airline passengers to traverse their way through screening checkpoints, The Peacock Report has discovered. TSA will achieve this heightened scale of efficiency by joining hands with another hallowed U.S. institution: the advertising industry.

What Does it Mean to be 'Pro-Labor?' (tags)

Do you want evidence of how ad-driven media works to silence labor? Read this follow-up to "'Alternative' Media Quietly Sells Out to Whole Foods Market" [ZNet, April 28, 2005]. Mark T. Harris answers Dragonfly Media's denial that it gave Whole Foods Market free advertising for a year in its Chicago publication, Conscious Choice, following the grocer's complaint about a UFCW ad that ran under the magazine's old management. Dragonfly says neither would it promise Whole Foods no more union ads. But when union activists attempted to purchase new ad space last December, Dragonfly said no.

Wireless World: Mobile phone ads growing (tags)

A story about evil advertisers spamming us on mobile phones.

Buy Nothing Day film night at Flor y Canto (tags)

Film night-Fri. Nov. 26th at Flor y Canto "Escape From Affluenza" and "Surplus: Terrorized into Being Consumers" (descriptions below) It will be a potluck so bring some food to share


I guess compared to their nemesis Haliburton, KPFT are just small time crooks. This is how the scheme works. KPFT radio and Pacifica radio network use deceptive advertising and a confidential donor list to create symbiotic business relationships, like Jay Lee, his employer, and Microsoft. They do and do not accept contributions from for-profit entities.

Will Ménard continue denying his links with the CIA? (tags)

RSF chief Robert Ménard has always denied his links with the CIA. The White House has now seen fit to inform the public that these links are an evident reality.

Adbuster vs. Nike (tags)

Adbusters takes on Nike at its own game

Goverment boycott threats CBS (tags)



Caught in Consumerism (tags)

"Consumers ultimately copy the advertising, competition and achievement society produced by politics and the media and see no possibilities for exodus from this money- and success pressure..In Karl Polanyi's words, the market society is totalitarian."



Are all the regulars here now working? (tags)

It must be demoralizing to know that the job will either go to you or to a piece of tape.

World cracks down on Big Tobacco (tags)

To slow the spread of smoking, especially in poor nations, where smoking rates are soaring, the World Health Organization in Geneva voted for unprecedented and potentially deep restrictions on tobacco products.

Stop the FCC (tags)

Most Americans know nothing about the upcoming FCC decision on media ownership rules. Mainstream media is not covering this issue. This month we are going to try to help raise awareness of this issue.

Advertising Grab for Iraq Begins (tags)

The advertising below is ready to go on the new starbucks bill board in down -town Iraq.

Anti-Propaganda Stickers Released (tags)

Fight Marketing with Marketing with Anti-Bush Anti-Propaganda Stickers

An Anti-Commercial Manifesto (tags)

"Consumo ergo sum" - I consume therefore I am. Advertising confirms that the possession and use of goods brings happiness. The more goods are produced and consumed, the more happiness..Millions who hunger for feelings are fed..consumer products.."

Buying Your Brain With Your Money For War (tags)

Bush Administration Launches Unprecedented $200 Million Propaganda Campaign To Win You Over On Iraq War (using your money to do it!)

More (imp)Unity/Whose bloody axis of evil? (tags)

Shortly after 9/11, this advertising display went up outside Macy’s at Santa Monica Place mall, and stayed up for several months. I was never sure if they were using patriotism to sell men’s shirts and ties, or men’s shirts and ties to sell patriotism. Beneath the obvious and rather crude commercial message, I discerned a subtext, a kind of subliminal and perhaps subconscious story hidden behind the advertising burka. I’ve tried here to unveil that message.


An action alert about the corporate take-over of the U.S. judicial system and campaign finance laws during this campaign season. Parallels info heard on Democracy Now! today.

Write to CNN and PRAISE them for this. (tags)

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