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european medicines agency

The Trojan Horse and Away from the Herd (tags)

In "Away from the Herd," the author compares the modern plight with docile submissive people in WW1. "Tagore criticizes modern civilization, which is crushed by materialism. He compares it to a giant giraffe: intelligence has grown into excess and has departed from the heart, the body is wasting away.

Ritalin for children is "quick fix" and should be reviewed, demand educational psychologis (tags)

The American Psychiatric Association is working on its 2013 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSMV) in which additional psychological disorders for children are due to be added. These include Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Preschool Children, Temper Dysregulation Disorder with Dysphoria, Callous and Unemotional Specifier for Conduct Disorder, Non-Suicidal Self Injury, and Non-Suicidal Self Injury Not Otherwise Specified.

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