fix articles 25330, professional Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : professional


Flashback To Terror (tags)

This report is 30 years delayed due to the trauma referenced herein.

Summary of Salient Events Portend Ill For All The People (tags)

A notice follows for the benefit of all human beings.

I Indict This Society (tags)

See Why I Indict This Society.

Scoundrel Media FIFA Bashing (tags)


Should the NFL Lose Its Tax-Exempt Status? (tags)

Giving a tax-exempt status to the NFL is like Stephan Harper's perversion of remaking Canada a bitumen staple theory. Vancouver BC has 26 community centers, some with swimming pools that take your breath away. Maybe a future of community centers is a third way beyond state and market.

Corporate Culture is a Dog and Pony Show (tags)

Every CEO is a little Caesar.

How Clean is the Air You’re Breathing? (tags)

Have you ever thought about the air quality in your home? According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air quality can often be even worse than the air outside. In honor of National Care About Your Indoor Air Month this February, here are a few surprising facts to be aware of when it comes to your in-home air quality.

University of Ottawa Systemic Racism and Abuse (tags)


Immigrants Are Undocumented, Not "Illegal" (tags)

The following resolution, principally authored by Zenger?s associate editor Leo E. Laurence, was unanimously approved by the Committee on Diversity of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) August 18 and will be presented to the SPJ at its national convention in New Orleans September 25-27.

1200 Allstate Insurance Agents Join OPEIU- 08/18/11 (tags)

1200 small business owners have joined up with a labor union. Normally, unions are associated with factories and other large employers, but the Allstate agents are dispersed across many small offices, and each is self-employed. Despite this structural difference, they have opted to join a labor union affiliated with the AFL-CIO.

U.S. Election 2012- Socialist Stewart Alexander: Don?t raise the debt limit (tags)

Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says ?Working people should not fear the August 2nd deadline to raise the debt ceiling; the government will not collapse. It is time for President Obama and the professional politicians to attend credit counseling.?

Pack Journalism Anti-Gaddafi Propaganda (tags)

media lies

HURRAY for courageous Wikileakers (tags)

Wki-leaks has done what many of us wish we could... OPEN UP THE WORLD OF misinformation, lies, deceits, manipulations, fake diplomacy, propaganda and allllll that is spoken, written that is "not in our name" appropriate. Wow, some of us are very impressed and want these computer workers SUPPORTED, complimented, helped, and given any and every service or help we can each offer... to keep them doing the good work they have been so dedicated to providing to all "the people" including "the American People" too... good ! work ! help protect and increase Free Speech as exposure is not intended to harm but REVEAL what is being done for us that is hurtful and against most of us.


It is necessary to continue the effort to study and to understand the reality.

Community Acupuncture Network Votes "No" on New Doctorate Degree for Acupuncturi (tags)

The board of directors for the Community Acupuncture Network (CAN) has voted unanimously to oppose a new doctorate degree for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine on the grounds that such a move would be detrimental to practitioners, patients and the profession. Due to its large membership, the vote represents a significant hurdle for professional consensus for the ACAOM to renew its review and finalization of standards for a first-professional doctorate in acupuncture and in Oriental medicine.

Robert McChesney's The Political Economy of Media - Part I (tags)

Another McChesney tour de force.

Game of Deceived Deceivers (tags)

The worldwide game with fictional assets has a few winners and many losers. Who has deceived whom in the game of deceived deceivers is hardly clear. The world econmy is too important to be left to gamblers. We need far more than a few new surveillance cameras and watchmen in the casino

Should Journalists be Certified? (tags)

Reasonable people here in the U.S. appreciate, and also assume, that our culture’s news industry of executives, editors and journalists be held to high standards of professional conduct. A democratic republic needs, as well as expects, truth in reporting, and adequate, if not comprehensive, coverage on “all” important issues. To refocus the question of media fraud to one of whether journalists ought to be certified, or accredited by some kind of professional board, in order to be recognized as “professional” journalists, is, to say the least, shortsighted.

Schwarzenegger Betrays Students on Tuitions (tags)

Advocate groups for free education consider the recent tuition hikes for UC and CSU students to be no less than a tax on college students. California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has done nothing to make education affordable for students since he was elected in 2003. In the past the governor’s office has made it clear that education is a right for K-12, but not for higher education.

Which Rocky is the Professional Football Player? (tags)

Which Rocky Delgadillo is the Professional Football Player that he was telling voters about in his 2001 and 2004 elections?

U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy (tags)

All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.

Happy Iraq and Yuppie Careers in Iraq (tags)

While the spread of propaganda is prohibited in the US, it returns to the homefront on the roundabout way of foreign publications.. The witty and resilient Chalabi is still indirectly on the Pentagon payroll.

A branch of the U.S. Military saved my life (tags)

What if the military only did positive things? Would it still be a military?

San Diego War Tech Expo (tags)

San Diego: Warfare And Technologies Exposition Open to the Public

Boycott the professional left!! (tags)

No more [wanna-be] kings!

Hierarchy (tags)

Anarchists, especially within American society, are often confronted with the argument that human society has always been hierarchical and, therefore, hierarchy in human society exists by nature. Put more succinctly, there is a natural law governing the organization of humankind such that any and all manifested societies will be hierarchical. This paper will address that argument.

Book Review: Crashing Hollywood (tags)

Fran Harris' book is good for out of towners to adapt quicker to Hollywood.

Eliminating the right to overtime pay! (tags)

More Bushit Plans to Screw Us All!


This one is simply the best post I've ever read on one of these boards. Enjoy!

9/10th of Politicians Are Professional Rogues (tags)

From H. L. Mencken's quotes.

SPFPA America's Union for Security Professionals (tags)


State crimes increase immigration (tags)

Shot summary of the possible reasons causing immigration and poverty: abuse cases of State officials, law abuse, systematic procedures followed and aims for such actions. Note: Given facts do not apply to any other State's government officials.

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