fix articles 15639, controlled Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : controlled


S.F. Bay Area Leading The Way (tags)

America plunging into “Venezuela meets Truman Show” as the collapse and gaslighting accelerate

Controlled Media, can you hear me yet! (tags)

This post seeks to remind all media chiefs of the significance of their close cooperation with government killers.

$1.5 Quadrillion Time Bomb (tags)


Please Expunge Your "Kill List" President Barack Obama! (tags)

Boys will be boys, but don't you think President Barack Obama has gone too far with his Boy Toys by creating a "Kill List"? Please sign the White House petition to protect children from White House, Commander in Chief, computer controlled Drone Strikes

BBC: Caught in the Act (tags)


Rt Mjr Gen Stubblebine Blows Whistle on 9/11 Inside Job (tags)

For those of you who have been waiting for someone from the establishment to speak out, here it is on video: Rt. Army Major General Albert Stubblebine says a plane did not hit the Pentagon and the Twin Towers & Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition. A second video provides the scientific evidence of the controlled demolition.

Peruvian Immigrant Released From USICE Detention (tags)

52-year-old immigrant had challenged deportation and was held in custody for 4 1/2 years

ANSWER is not the Answer! (tags)

March route was pre-arranged by answer goons and LAPD. March was tightly controlled by the police. Attempts at alternate routes are being blocked by riot squads. Two break away marches to the West have been broken up by police. Answer goons have looped march back to starting point at Sunset Junction. Another lame police controlled answer parade.

Italian Television the Latest to Enter the “911” Ring (tags)

In late April, Italian Television, Canale 5, aired a segment by that presents many questions to the official story of one of the most tragic events in US History.

9-11: Proof of Controlled Demolition with Richard Gage, (tags)

Architect, Richard Gage explores the flawed conclusions of the 911 Commission report and the conclusions of NIST, in this new presentation on evidence supporting controlled demolition for World Trade 1, 2 and 7.

What to do? (tags)

Congress controlled by outside terrorists

Shibbolrths and Buzz Words (tags)

Th USA has wasted 21 trillion dollars since 1945 on military buildups to fight enemies that don't exist

Bush and His Masters Co-opting 9/11 Truth? (tags)

Are Bush and his masters trying to co-opt the 9/11 Truth Movement? See the video clip in which Bush blurts information allegedly extracted from Khaled Sheik Mohammed.

A Century of Oil Imperialism (tags)

The current Iraq War, waged primarily to seize incredibly rich oil resources for the benefit of the U.S.-UK Oil Cartel, was predictable. This type of imperialistic evildoing has been going on for a century, and countries and individuals who get in the Cartel's way tend to meet violent ends.

World Trade Center Destruction Was Controlled Demolition - Now there's PROOF (tags)

The following is an article posted to the Portland IMC on June 17, 2006 (with the addition of his source). It tells of the discovery (proof) that the Trade Center buildings were brought down by a controlled demolition on 9/11. He provides a link to his source at the bottom of this article.

Griffin Seals Case for WTC Demolition, Calls on NY Times to End Coverup (tags)

In two speeches to overflow crowds in New York last weekend, notable theologian David Ray Griffin argued that recently revealed evidence seals the case that the Twin Towers and WTC-7 were destroyed by controlled demolition with explosives. Despite the many enduring mysteries of the 9/11 attacks, Dr. Griffin concluded, "It is already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job, orchestrated by terrorists within our own government."

Hammerskin Nation member arrested (tags)

Members of the white supremacist organization have been tied to hate crimes in Texas, Arizona, Massachusetts and California over the last 10 years

Corporate future In America. (tags)

Do we have a future of permanent war with all of our commonwealth fed into the grinder in order to swell the off and onshore bank accounts, trusts, etc of this useless uncaring blasé group of malicious, meddling criminals who pull Mr. Bush's strings and are train-wrecking this nation?

Independence from petroleum (tags)

US occupation of Iraq is a result of America's petroleum dependency. Plastics, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and fuel are all petroleum based. There are sustainable alternatives that don't involve occupation of Iraq..

Proof that Jews have always controlled at least 85% of the U.S. media. (tags)

Listed below are the Big 8 Monolithic U.S. Media Conglomerates that control the minds of Americans. This article explains how the U.S. media have propagandized and conned their American subjects into supporting war on any and all Arab countries for the express benefit of Israel and the oil companies.

Nepal: Bush Supports Human Rights Violations (tags)

People’s Revolutionary War To Resume Shortly In Nepal

Our government controlled press - CIA Origins (tags)

The Sulzberger family and the New York Times lean left-liberal Democrat and are usually anathema to Republicans. But as Rockwell has oft pointed out, "neoconservatives" are really big government tax and squander interventionist welfare-warfare statists.

George Bush: Called by God, Controlled by Satan (tags)

George Bush: Called by God, Controlled by Satan

Stop being fooled and wake up... (tags)

All money is controlled by the Vatican and all politics are controlled by money and religion. You are fighting the smoke screen people while the Mystery Caesar continues the successful deception and enslavement of the entire world!!! The time has come to finally GET A CLUE...

Scientologists Use Bad Law to Silence Dissent (tags)

This shocking abuse of the DMCA comes from DaveNet.

People For The American Way On Rightwing Court Packing, Past Rejection Rates (tags)

During the years 1995-2000, when Republicans controlled the Senate, 45.3% of President Clinton's nominations to the courts of appeals were rejected, a rate 72% higher than the 26.3% rejection rate for Presidents Reagan and Bush when Democrats controlled the Senate, 1987-1992. Now hard-right Republicans are pressing for Bush to appoint only far-right ideologues to those positions, packing the courts with an extremist minority view.

Energy Independence Day in San Diego - Audio (tags)

This is audio from the second half of the Energy Independence Day Rally in San Diego. The audio clip is 54 minutes.

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