fix articles 109644, present danger Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : present danger

present danger

Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag? (tags)


The Business of America Is War (tags)


Color Revolutions, Old and New (tags)

Imperial America's ugly agenda

The Fleecing of America (tags)

Public and private looting.

The Militarization and Annexation of North America (tags)

NAFTA on steroids enforced with an iron fist

Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 2 (tags)

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

GMO Disease Epidemics: (10) Bt-cotton Fiber Disease (tags)

Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 10th in a series revealing the epidemics, dealing here with an almost science-fiction affliction -- Bt-cotton Fiber Disease.

Generalissimo Bush: Clear and Present Danger to the Republic (tags)

A small-minded man in Italy once used fear of The Other, and an imperialist campaign of aggressive war in the Middle East, to become a Generalissimo and destroy a Republic. Now it’s happening here.

El Poder de las Pesadillas (tags)

Análisis en profundidad del documental de la BBC "El Poder de las Pesadillas", centrado en la base ideológica y desarrollo histórico de la "Guerra Contra el Terror" desde la perspectiva neo-conservadora estadounidense proveniente de Leo Strauss, y la islámica de Sayed Kotb y Zawahiri.

CyberRadicalism: Book by Carl Davidson & Jerry Harris (tags)

15 essays developed over the past decade through the Chicago Third Wave Study Group's efforts to redefine a new Marxism for the 21st Century. .

the making of the terror myth (tags)

does al-qaeda exist a more than a dark political fantasy?

Books to rock you Republican Mom's vote! (tags)

Before your Mom, brother, or friend votes in November, they really should read one, two, or all of these books, beginning with Mark Crispin Miller's "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order." Tell your family and friends about these books! Buy these books for them! E-mail this list to everyone you know, and print it as a flyer to post in your local cafe or hand out in front of a bookstore. There's enough time before the election for a little good reading to make a big difference.

Pepperface Multimedia Information Hub - Update For The Week Ending 06.15.03 (tags)

Pepperface was created to provide a multimedia source for real information regarding the US invasion of Iraq. We will continue to update this forum with information on the US continued occupation of Iraq, analysis of the media role in the Bush Regeime's occupation of America, and anything else which may be of interest.

pepperface media hub update for week ending 05.30.03 (tags)

pepperface media hub update for week ending 05.30.03

Nine Theses on Moving the Peace Movement Forward (tags)

[Editor: John Gershman, Interhemispheric Resource Center (IRC) Editor's Note: This piece was commissioned under the auspices of the Project Against the Present Danger. Foreign Policy In Focus]

The Project for the New American Century. (tags)

he People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.

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