Loopholes for Criminality in the State and US Courts – False Appearances by Attorneys

09a827, _____________________________, amended appendices, amended motion, amended request, attorney, attorney mark asdourian, attorney mc, attorneys  regular, blue panel report, blue ribbon review panel report, chief judge, clarence thomas, countrywide financial corporation, courts, district court, dr joseph zernik, edith jones, false, false appearances, fine, fine v, fine v sheriff, georgetown university, harvard law school, hon jeff bohm, human rights, human rights alert, irvine law school, joseph zernik, judge, judge bohm, judge david yaffe, judge jeff bohm, judge peter meeka, july, justice, justice initiative, laurence tribe, law, law school, legal times, los angeles county, loyola law school, mark asdourian, mega, memorandum opinion, national defender leadership institute, on march, papers, pro se filer, reconciliation commission, richard fine, senate judiciary committee, senator leahy, senior counsel, sheriff, sheriff 09a827, superior court, supreme court, supreme court records, susan lomas, unauthorized attorneys, united nations human rights council staff report, united states, v sheriff, v sheriff 09a827, when richard fine, william parsley